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Now in its eighth year, the Asian Animation Summit (AAS) is an annual event designed to showcase Asia’s strongest animated projects looking for investors and partners.


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2017 - What is it?

The Asian Animation Summit (AAS) is an annual event designed to showcase Asia's strongest animated projects looking for investors and partners, and to stimulate co-production and co-financing of animation in the region. Participants will spend three days attending presentations of new children's TV/web series concepts from Australia, Korea, Malaysia and Thailand. Presentations will be given by the projects' creators and producers, with assistance from high-profile mentors from the animation industry. There will also be plenty of time built into the schedule for meetings and casual networking, making it easy for attendees to follow up immediately on the projects they like most. AAS is neither a conference nor a market, but rather an event that aims to facilitate international financing and co-production connections for projects from the region.

When and where?

AAS 2015 is set to take place from December 3 to 5 in Hanoi, Vietnam. The event has been optimally timed to run just before Asia Television Forum (December 9-12), with a weekend in between to explore Vietnam and travel to Singapore.

Our venue is the Sofitel Plaza Hanoi, a five-star hotel located just a few minutes away from the city's Old Quarter.

What sorts of projects will be featured?

The Summit will feature animated and mixed-media TV/web series for children up to 15 years of age. Series can feature any episode length, but they must not have commenced production by the submission deadline (October 3, 2015). And second/subsequent seasons of existing TV series are ineligible, so our program will be focused on brand-new original concepts.

Projects must also have secured either a letter of interest OR a commitment to cover 15% of the production budget from an Asian broadcaster, distributor or investor.

How are projects selected?

The Eligibility Criteria outlining what types of projects will be considered for the AAS program are the same for all participating regions. However, the selection process is being run separately in each country by its most relevant screen or industry development agency. Each agency has its own selection process for assessing submissions based on global-market potential and quality, and will choose a pre-determined number of projects to be presented at the Summit. Partially-funded projects will be given preference over projects still in development. Materials and background information for each selected project will be available for review by broadcasters and distributors who have registered for AAS starting in November on the KidscreenXchange online screening platform.

What will the event be like?

Each of the three days will begin with a highly informative panel discussion or presentation that explores new market trends, business models or creative techniques that are highly relevant to Asian animation producers. Following these opening sessions, our project presentations will commence and run consecutively for the rest of the day. Eight projects will be presented each day, for a total of 24 over the course of the event. Each presentation will be followed by a short break in the schedule, creating ample time for attendees to exchange business cards with the creators/producers who've just presented and arrange to meet later at the event.

Who is involved? And who will be there?

An initiative of KOCCA (Korea), MDeC (Malaysia), SIPA and DITP (Thailand) and Screen Australia, the 2015 Asian Animation Summit is owned and produced by Kidscreen. Each of these countries' screen agencies will provide financial support for producers whose projects are selected to join the Summit's presentation program.

We are anticipating that 200 to 250 attendees will take part in the Asian Animation Summit this year. The event is designed to attract producers of animation who are interested in co-producing projects with Asian partners, as well as broadcasters, distributors and investors from Asia and elsewhere.

Special note on travel visas

Passport-holders from Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Leo, the Philippines, Brunei, Korea, Japan, Russia, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland may freely enter Vietnam for short stays of less than 15 days.

Visitors from all other countries are required by the Vietnam Immigration Department to obtain an entry visa. Please check the application requirements in your country, and email us at if you require any support in the process.

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